Anyway, I am all sweaty and no make up because that is how I made it to 90 lbs. Lots of sweaty, lots of veggies, water and fiber and lots more sweat. I set a doable goal for myself which really does the trick for me. I needed to lose 3 lbs. to reach that magnificent and absurd number of 90 lbs. lost. So the past two weeks I have done my regular 2 mile dog walk every day and am keeping up with my strength training but I've added 30 - 60 minutes on the bike several times a week. I'll hop on the bike for 10 minutes and then do 2 minutes of abs, then rinse and repeat two more times. 'Cause, you know, who can't do 10 minutes on the bike? If I tell you to do an hour you'd probably balk. But 10 minutes, ok, that's doable. Plus you have to want to reach that goal more than you want to make that excuse you are forming right now about why you can't go do 10 minutes on the bike (or whatever equipment you are currently using for hanging clothes and towels). Rain, cold, hot, tepid, whatever, doesn't matter. Make a date and respect it.
I am so proud of myself for getting here and I know I can get this last 10 lbs. off too. And then there will be partying. Serious, craziness will ensue when I hit that 100 lb. goal. But right now, I just have 3 to lose. Just 3 'cause I know that's a goal I can live with.